Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Red Twin (The House of Lamia)

Red Twin (The House of Lamia) Review

Found as an infant, alone and screaming on a cold beach, Ganieda had the peaceful childhood of a pampered princess on the island of Atlantis. It never prepared her for the truth though, something which not even the ancient Fair Folk of Atlantis had ever suspected: That for nearly two decades they had harbored the “Chimera Immortal” in their midst. The greatest of the angels, sent on a divine mission to destroy the demon, Azazel.

When Ganieda's memories are awakened, madness threatens to destroy her and everything around her, until the spontaneous arrival of her twin; identical in every way but for color. Taking Ganieda's memories, her twin restores her sanity so that they can fulfill their duty to seek out and destroy Azazel, a soul-eating demon who might someday have the power to challenge God for dominion.

However, Azazel has entered the Universe as Morgaine, the beloved daughter of Ganieda's brother, Arjuna. How can Arjuna willingly condemn his child to eternal damnation at the hands of his increasingly frightening sister? Even after Atlantis sinks and the Fair Folk abandon him to Dark Ages Britannia, where Arjuna is known as the Merlin, he cannot give up on his daughter. Not when he believes that the demon can be driven out and Morgaine saved.

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